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Substation Vardane Connects to Power Loop 220 kv of Sochi Region

Substation Vardane Connects to Power Loop 220 kv of Sochi Region

The branch of OAO FGC UES – Main Power Grids of the South – embarked on the construction of the overhangs of power lines 220 kv to the distribution substation 220 kv Vardane, which is to become a part of the power loop created in the Sochi region. Such a plan of power supply will […]

All Major Olympic Power Facilities in Sochi to be Commissioned till End of Second Quarter 2013

All Major Olympic Power Facilities in Sochi to be Commissioned till End of Second Quarter 2013

Sochi saw the offsite meeting of the heads of OAO FGC UES and OAO IDGC Holding dedicated to the issues of construction, stable operation and dafety of power supply facilities of the Olympics in Sochi. The meeting, which was chaired by the head of the managing board of OAO FGC UES Oleg Budargin, was attended […]

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