Energy Equipment Thieves Caught in Rostov Region

The staff members of the distribution grid company and the officers of the fuel and energy industry subdivision of the industry department in the Directorate for Combating Economic Crimes of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in the Rostov Region took in custody a group of malefactors attempting another one in a series of state property stealing. The total amount of damage caused by their actions made up 3 million rubles.

The staff members of the Safety and Security Department of the IDGC of the South — Rostovenergo in cooperation with the representatives of law-enforcement authorities continue to fight with the stealing in the power facilities of the branch. As a result of the conducted activities a number of cases of damage and destruction of power equipment due to non-ferrous metals thefts was revealed in the manufacturing division the South-Western power network Rostovenergo in 2011
At present the investigations in relation of the detainees are under way. They have been imposed on a pre-trial restraint – arrest.

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