Foreign Experts to Discuss Further Development of Energy Industry in Primorye

International Energy Conference “Distributed generation and a small-scale power generation for the development of difficult to access and island territories of APEC” was opened on Monday, October 15 2012 in Vladivostok on the Russky Island.

A number of issued relating to the problems of the development of small-scale power generation in the remote areas was set for discussion at the conference by the representatives of the Asian-Pacific region countries.

The meeting in organized under the umbrella of Russia at the Asian-Pasific Economic Cooperation Forum in 2012 and is held with the direct support of the Energy Industry Committee of the Russian State Duma. The organizing committee of the conference is headed by K. Ilkovskiy, who is the chairman of the subcommittee on the regional energy policy within the Energy Industry Committee of the State Duma.
The program of the conference includes “round tables” and seminars with the participation of the representatives of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Minenergo of Russia, the authorities of Primorye. The specialists from South Korea, the United States, Japan, Chili and other countries of the Asian-Pacific region will present their reports about the positive examples of the development of small-scale power generation.

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