Gazprom Neft to Pay Gazprom 3.6 Billion Rubles for Gazprom Neft Orenburg

The Gazprom Neft board of directors approved of signing with OAO Gazprom the contract of purchase of ZAO Gazprom Neft Orenburg shares, which owns the license for the Eastern part of the Orenburgskoe oil condensate field (the Orenburg region), the Gazprom Neft statement reports.

Within the framework of the deal Gazprom Neft can purchase 61.8% of the Gazprom Neft Orenburg registered capital for 3 576 billion rubles. The market-based valuation of the asset was carried out by ZAO International Business Center: consulting, investment, valuation. The remaining shares of Gazprom Neft Orenburg (which are owned by OOO Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg) and a part of the field infrastructure (owned by OAO Gazprom) will be purchased after completing the necessary business procedures. The Eastern part of the Orenburg oil field is the first purchase of Gazprom oil asset made by Gazprom Neft.

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