Quadra produces a billion kWh per month

In the first half of 2012 the power plants of Quadra, located in 11 regions of the Central Federal District, developed 6.1 billion kWh of electricity, which corresponds to the parameters of the same period last year (6.1 billion kWh).

The heat from the collectors of Quadra (with 100% of the generating assets of subsidiaries of Quadra heating network) for 6 months in 2012 dropped by 3.3% compared with the first half of 2011 and amounted to 14 129.5 thousand Gcal.

«The slight decrease in the volume of heat is explained the peculiarities of operation modes of industrial consumers of heat during the reporting period,» — the chief engineer of the company’s Quadra Vyacheslav Kostin said.

The largest amounts of electrical energy have been generated in the Eastern (1 494.6 million kWh), Central (1 090.3 million kWh) and Western (842,900,000 kWh) branches of the company.

The largest volume of heat was released from the reservoirs of power plants and boilers of the Eastern (3563 Gcal), Voronezh (2249 Gcal) and Central (1788 Gcal) branches.

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