Vologdaenergo Replaces Power Transformer at SS Susolovka

Replacement of a Transformer

Within the framework of the partial reconstruction of the substation 110/10 kV Susolovka in the Velikoustyugskiy district (Vologda region) the branch of the IDGC of North-West Vologedaenergo completed the replacement of the power transformer for a new one of TMN-2500/110 type.

The capital investment of the energy company into the project comprised about 15 million rubles.
At present the substation Susolovka has had the existing telemechanic equipment replaced and the new current transformers 110- kv as wall as the relay cabinet and the meter cabinet installed by means of the contractor organization.

The power facility belongs to the category of socially important ones. In the village, which is energized from the substation, there are such objects as a secondary school, a kindergarten, a post-office, boiling houses and housing and communal enterprises. The execution of the energy project will give the possibility of further infrastructural development of the Velikoustyugskiy district as well as will provide the reliable and quality power supply for the consumers.

The power grid company is planning to commission the substation 110/10 Kv Susolovka till the end of September 2012.

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