Flood Waters Wash Away Power Lines in Anuchinskiy District of Primorye

«Now repair teams are preparing the new transmission line route to install transmission towers , which had to be shifted because of the strong flood of the river Arsenyevka» — the director of the joint venture of Northern Power Grids of the Primorye branch of FEDGC Sergei Baladin.
According to him, to do this they had to transport people and the necessary equipment the other side of the river.

At present the power engineers of the branch FEDGC – Power Grids of Primorye are restoring electricity supply to the villages of Skvortsovo and Veseliy in the Anuchinskiy district, home to 49 people. Three maintenance crews and eight vehicles were sent to eliminate technological violations.

It should be reminded that a sharp deterioration in weather conditions associated with the powerful cyclone passing through the territory of Primorsky Territory caused the interruption of power supply to a number of locations. The repair crews of the Primorye branch of «FEDGC» promptly started to eliminate the process failures. In most towns the electricity was restored within days.

It should be noted that it is the northern and southern districts of the Territory the were most severely affected by the disaster. In the northern areas of the Territory in the afternoon on August 23 there was flooding of floodplains and some roads and settlements caused by the rising water in the rivers Ussuri, Arsenyevka, Muravevka. All this complicated the passage of power engineers to power lines. Because of the strong flood of the river Arsenyevka the two settlements — Skvortsovo and Veseliy — remained without electricity. The rise of water in the river was three meters. All entrances to communities were washed away, including the bridge over the river. Besides, a strong flow of water washed away the anchor spans and several transmission towers.

«The reams of professionals do their best to restore power in the settlements as soon as possible. On the part of the local people we meet the understanding the scope and complexity of this work «, — said the director of JV Northern Power Grids of the Primorye branch of FEDGC Sergei Baladin.

According to the experts, the installation of transmission towers and restoration of the power line route will be completed by tomorrow. Simultaneously the power supply will be restored in the villages of the Anuchinskiy district.

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