Electricity Demand in Sverdlovsk region increases

The demand for the fixed-priced electricity delivery increased during the year by 15% and continues growing in the whole territory of Sverdlovsk region. In this connection the total volume of average monthly electricity consumption exceeds 11 million KWh.
As of April 1 2012, 342 enterprises had already signed contracts with UES.Garant for the fixed- priced electrical power delivery. As a comparison, for the same period of last year only 302 companies working in the region, signed contracts for the fixed- priced electrical power delivery. With such figures the average monthly consumption of electrical energy comprised over 6 million KWh.
It should be reminded that starting from July 2009 СJSC Integrated Energy Systems (IES-Holding) in cooperation with the OJSC Sverdlovenergosbyt, which is a part of the holding and provides electrical power deliveries in Sverdlovsk region, and the strategic partner LLC UES.Garant give the possibility of signing contracts with UES.Garant with the aim of lowering the risk for consumers connected with changes in electricity prices. The client that signs a contract with the company, is given the opportunity to buy electricity at the fixed price, which means that the company takes upon itself all the risks connected with the instability of the electricity price trends and the changes in the capacity at the wholesale market.
In 2012 OJSC Sverdlovenergosbyt expects the increase in the number of deals for electrical power deliveries at the fixed price at least by 15-20%. This is caused by the fact that the company experts are forecasting this year wholesale market being more vulnerable to electrical power and capacity price volatility than last year.

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