Head of Gazprom and North Korean Ambassador Discuss Energy Collaboration

A working meeting of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Gazprom Alexey Miller and the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the Russian Federation Kim Yong Jeh took place in Moscow today.

The sides discussed the questions of the energy industry collaboration. The prospecting work on oil and gas in Northern Korea started in 1965. They were intensified in 1993, when the Division of oil works was reorganized into the Ministry of Oil of the Democratis People’s Republic of Korea.

After considering the results of the exploration in 1997 seven potentially productive oil-and-gas bearing basins were singled out. The most promising are the basins of the Korea Bay (Yellow Sea shelf, the western coast of Korea), East Korea Bay (Sea of Japan shelf, the eastern coast of Korea) and the Pyongyangian basin.

The only state oil and gas company of the Northern Korea is “Korean corporation on oil production” (ownership share of the state is 100%). The Corporation is subject directly to the Ministry of Oil of the DPRK and has exclusive rights on exploration and production of hydrocarbons in the territory of the country. It has subdivisions dealing with exploration production, transportation and storage of oil and gas as well as scientific research.

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