One More Bio Fuel Manufacturer to Appear in Novgorod Region

This was reported by the local mass-media. However they do not specify which type of bio fuel – pellets or briquettes is to be manufactured. The new bio fuel manufacturer is JSC Kholmskaya Wood Trading Company.

According to its director Nickolay Makke, the company’s primary activity is timber logging:

We get lots of wood waste in the process of timber logging. The idea to recycle them emerged several years ago. We bought the territory where our manufacturing facilities are based, as well as another building specially for the new direction. We have invested over 20 million rubles into the reconstruction of the factory floor and into purchasing the equipment most of which is from Europe. The purchased equipment will enable manufacturing the bio fuel compliant with the European standards. The major target market if defined – it is Germany,” – Nickolay Makke says.

At present the equipment is being mounted. The new floor is to start operation this September or October.According to Committee of Forest Management and Forest Industry in Novgorod region, at present the region has two operating enterprises which manufacture pellets- JSC Setnovo (Lyubytin district) and KSC Green Energy (Pestov district). In the first quarter of 2011 these enterprises manufactured 7.2 thousand tons of pellets. Their total yearly output is about 20 thousand tons.

According to figures from the information and analytical agency “Infobio” the Novgorod region used to have 6 pellet manufacturers, two of which became bankrupts and were closed. Besides in this region there have been announced a large scale project – a plant with the capacity of about 100-150 thousand tons of pellets a year, which is to be realized by Russian Wood Pellets holding.

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