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Russian Government to Consider Law on Oil and Oil Products Turnover

Russian Government to Consider Law on Oil and Oil Products Turnover

The government of the Russian Federation is going to consider the draft law on oil and oil products turnover and oil products pricing, the head of the Federal Antimonopoly service Igor Artemyev told the journalists on Monday. “In the coming months.” – he said answering the question about the terms, in which the documents is […]

MinEnergo of Russia Develops Procedures of Financial Support for Renewable Energy Sources

MinEnergo of Russia Develops Procedures of Financial Support for Renewable Energy Sources

The Energy Ministry of Russia (Minenergo) has developed the procedures for financial support of power generation based on using renewable energy sources. According to the program envisaged by the ministry the renewable energy facilities of small capacity may sell electrical energy to the grid companies at the retail market and larger players of the energy […]

MinPrirody Suggests Stimulating Mineral Reserves Processing on Law-Making Level

MinPrirody Suggests Stimulating Mineral Reserves Processing on Law-Making Level

MinPrirody (RF Ministry of Natural Resources) suggests amending the law On Subsoil Resources, which would specify the license conditions and stimulate mineral resources processing. The draft law published at the MinPrirody website suggests correcting the procedure of amending the license on subsoil resources usage. The draft law introduces an additional main criterion for defining the […]

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