Control System of Repair Works in Emergency Situations Created by Engineers of IDGC Holding JSC

The control system of the repair works in emergency situations has been set in experimental operation by the engineers on IDGC Hodling JSC on the power lines 35-110 KW.

The system of the repair works in emergency situations will allow to select, analyze and represent the data on the current state of overhead power transmission lines 35-110 KW on the territory of the Russian Federation, identify the places of technical failures and accidents more promptly, and to plan the schedule of repair works with maximum precision.

Boris Mekhanoshin, the technical director of IDGC Holding JSC, pointed out in the course of the operational meeting of the chief engineers of operating companies of the Holding in St. Petersburg that the Russian Federation now has a system, which can present the whole distribution infrastructure. At present the state of grids can be monitored online by the Minenergo of Russia, the regional government, the Emergency Ministry and the distribution energy companies.

The Tatarstan’s Grid Company and the Federal Grid Company, which are planning to submit the information about their objects to the control system of the repair works in emergency situations, showed real interest for the system. Kazakhstan and Belarus took the decision to join the system, which would enable coordinating joint actions of energy subjects in the emergency situations. All the other CIS-counties are expected to join the system, too.

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