Gazprom Pays Back 100 000 000 Rubles To Nature

Gazprom recoups for damage inflicted to the environment by cultivating salmon in the Far East as quoted from the company’s press-center by Gazeta.Ru.

Over 100 million rubles were invested by Gazprom’s offspring LLC Gazprom invest Vostok into juvenile salmon breeding in the Far East as a form of a compensation for the damage caused to nature during mining development.

Altogether 23 million juveniles of keta and 254 thousand juveniles of coho salmon were let out into the water bodies of Kamchatka, Primorye and the Khabarovsk Territory.

The total amount spent on carrying out compensatory activities made up 6,3 million rubles in the Kamchatka Territory, 10,5 million rubles in Primorye and 87,1 million rubles in the Khabarovsk Territory.


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