Показаны все новости по тегу ‘solar module’

Aviation Complex in Lipetsk region to Run on Solar Energy

Aviation Complex in  Lipetsk region to  Run on Solar Energy

Russia’s first multi-range general aviation complex for the development, manufacturing and servicing aircraft will get electricity from a solar power plant — the first one in the Lipetsk region. An innovative company, «Multi-range complex of general aviation » (MRC GA, OOO «Sigma») completed the installation of LED lighting systems and a mini-power plant, which will […]

Water for Residents of Narimanov Town to be Sun-Heated

Water for Residents of Narimanov Town to be Sun-Heated

The energy complex from solar cells costing about 70 million rubles will be commissioned in October this year in the city of Narimanov in Astrakhan region. «This experiment is aimed at introducing the renewable energy in the hot regions, we will demonstrate it to the Russian government, and suggest that the federal budget co-finance it», […]

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