13 Million Tons of Oil Produced at Vankorskoe Oil Deposit for 9 Months

The deputy Minister for Economics and Regional Development Mikhail Bershadskiy said today in the course of the meeting of the Government of The Kraisnoyarsk Territory that in the period from January to September 2012 the Krasnoyarsk Territory demonstrated a dynamic social and economical growth. According to him, the economy of the region is positively influenced by the execution of large-scale projects.

In particular, he pointed out that there is a growth of almost 15% recorded in the production of natural resources. According Bershadskiy, this is possible first of all due to the development of oil production: “Oil production sector shows high development speed. For the 9 months of 2012 the Vankorskoe oil field produced over 13 million tons of oil, which is by 19% more than the same parameter of last year. The contribution of ZAO Vankorneft into the aggregate index of industrial production in the Territory is 1.4% out of 1.4%.”

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