25 Bio Gas Power Plants to Be Built in Belarus for 3 Years

During the next three years 25 bio gas plants are to be built in Belarus. This was announced by the Prime Minister of the country Mikhail Myasnikovich at the grand opening of the most powerful bio gas plant in the agricultural production cooperative Rassvet in the Kirovskiy district.

As the head of the government pointed out the issues of the energy industry and energy safety has always been important for Belarus, since there no big fuel & energy deposits in the country. At present there is an active works going on as to diversification of the fuel & energy complex, and Belarus is going to cover for 25% of the fuel and energy market with the local fuel already this year.

“Biogas plant of the agricultural production cooperative Rassvet is a rather large facility, but during the three years of the current fine-year period we are to commission another 25 plants of this kind. Their advantage consists in the fact that they enable solving local problems, do not require large spending on conversion, and the surplus of electrical energy that they give can be sold to the energy system of Belarus on the favorable coefficient – 1.3. This stimulates the development of the alternative energy in the country. ”

The cost of electrical energy produced the biogas plant in the agricultural production cooperative Rassvet is about 3.5 cents for one kWh, while in the unified energy system of Belarus it is 9.7 cents. This speaks for itself about the high efficiency of this project.

The Prime Minister of Belarus warmly greeted the participants of the event with the opening of this facility, which is very significant for the region and also took an active part in the symbolic launch of the bio gas power plant.

The bio gas power plant manufactured in Germany with the capacity of 4.8 Mw was built next to the greenhouse center of the cooperative. It gives part of raw material to the power plants, and in return the greenhouses get the necessary quantity of heat. The power plant will produce bio gas and bio fertilizers by means of the controlled anaerobic decomposition of organic by bacteria. Biogas is to be fired in generating installations and the electricity obtained as a result of this will come into the power grid of the region. According to the calculations of the experts, the electricity produced here will be enough to satisfy the needs of the whole Kirovskiy district.

The project was implemented by means of the credit resources of foreign banks, own fund of agricultural cooperative Rassvet and is estimated at 13.5 million euro. Its payback time is about 7 years. Due to the launch of bio gas power plant the greenhouses of the agricultural cooperative may fully refuse the use of expensive gas for heating greenhouses in the winter period. This could save about 100 billion annually.

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