Li-ion backup power systems first used in Russian grids

The pilot site is the Svarochnaya 220 kV substation in the Sverdlovsk Region, which feeds power to the Ural Locomotives factory – the manufacturer of freight electric locomotives and Lastochka high-speed trains.

The innovative backup power system has been designed by the R&D Center of Rosseti FGC UES. With lithium ion batteries (Li-ion) in use, the charging time will be halved, and the environmental friendliness will improve.

The works are carried out under the industry-specific national project titled «Energy-efficient substation».

Batteries and rectifier chargers are applied to ensure the operation of relay protection and automation, remote control and alarm systems, even in the case of a total blackout. The operative direct current system that feeds the relay protection and automation devices allows isolating the faulty elements in the grid, avoiding interruptions in the supply of power to consumers.

The new equipment boasts considerable advantages before the conventional lead acid batteries: it is more compact and needs no special engineering infrastructure. Implementation of state-of-the-art automation facilities allows for the use of remote control.

After the integration tests, which will last until the end of 2021, it will be decided to replicate this experience.


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