Nuclear Fuel in Ukraine to be Purchased Without Tender Procedures

The Parliament of Ukraine has passed the law which would enable purchasing nuclear fuel without going through any tender procedures. This was an initiative of the government of the country.

As the representative of the Cabinet of Ministers if Ukraine explains, the nuclear fuel purchase is to be based on direct contracts.

It is expected that this legislative solution will help optimizing the use of the state funds by means of reducing the excessive expenditure and cheapening the purchases as well as will help avoiding possible abusive practice.

The governmental experts expressed the conviction that the most appropriate scheme of nuclear fuel purchase is signing contracts with contractors after the preliminary analysis and detailed nagotiations.
It is worth reminding that Ukraine purchases nuclear fuel from such companies as TVEL (Russia) and Westinghouse (the USA). And the leaders of the nuclear fuel production are the USA General Electric, Westinghouse), Japan (MNF, NFI, GNF), Russia (TVEL), France and Germany (AREVA).

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