Power Engineers of IDGC of South Repair One of Largest Electricity Supply Facilities of Volgograd Region

The branch of the IDGC of South Volgogradenergo embarked on the complex capital repairs of the 100/35/10 KW substation “Surovikino-110”, thus raising the stability of power supply of Surovikinsky district, which is located at the very border of Volgograd Region. The substation “Surovikino-110” is the largest electricity supply facility here and is not only the main power supply source in the area, but also serves as a transit one, powering via the 35 KW line the power facilities of the neighboring Rostov region.

At present the staff of Volgogradenergo has started to repair the 10 kw circuit breakers , and the total number of units of different equipment scheduled for repairs is 150, including two power transformers and ten power current transformers 110 kw.

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