Azarov: Ukraine Can Triple its Natural Gas Production

The head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Mykola Azarov said on May 7 that his country, which is at present fully dependent on the Russian gas deliveries, may in perspective increase its domestic production of the natural fuel from twenty billion cubic meters to sixty billion cubic meters. This was declared by Mykola Azarov during the meeting with the representatives of the veteran organizations and the veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

“Ukraine has both oil and gas. And they are in the center of the country, no somewhere beyond the North Polar Circle. What do we need to start developing the deposits? Time and money. And we will not depend on anybody, and we will have our sixty billion cubic meters of natural gas”, — said Mykola Azarov.

The government of the Republic of Ukraine, according to Azarov, is planning to increase the production of natural gas to one billion cubic meters already in 2012, and in 2013 to reach the volume of production of the natural energy source of twenty two billion cubic meters.

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