Fortnum Manpower Development: 50 Russian Students Do Internship in Company’s Enterprises in Russia and Abroad

The heat and power company Fortum announces the extension of cooperation with the partner higher educational institution in manpower development. In 2012 over 50 undergraduates are to do their internship in Fortum. At present the company has valid contracts with the higher educational institutions of the Urals and the Western Siberia – South Ural state university, Chelyabinsk state university, Chelyabinsk energy college and Tyumen institute of industrial technology and engineering (a part of Tyumen state oil and gas university).

Some of these students have already completed their internship in the power plants of the company and the executive apparatus of OAO Fortum this year; fourteen trainees from Chelyabinsk energy college are continuing their internship at the enterprises of the Ural region, another twelve students are employed at the power plants of Tyumen and the branch of OAO Fortum Tyumen power grids. Three graduates from Tyumen and Chelyabinsk are doing their internship abroad on the Fortum Forerunner program.

Eric Vekilov, the Vice-president of Human Resource and Administrative Issues of Fortum company says: “Energy industry needs new and younger human resources. The specific nature of the industry is such that it takes up to five years for a young professional to reach a satisfactory level of professional expertise from the moment his/her career starts. This is why we work in close cooperation with specialized educational institutions, select and prepare human re3sources in different formats”.


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