Tripartite Commission to Discuss Regulation of Lake Inari

Lake Inari

The village of Nellim on the Lake Inari saw the traditional tripartite meeting of the Finnish environmentalists and the hydropower engineers of Russia and Norway, organized by the Center for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of the Province of Lapland (Finland).

In the course of the meeting the forecast of the hydrological situation in the beginning of autumn and the end of the current year was made. The parties agreed on the water releases from the Lake Inari to the end of 2012, and exchanged information on the safe operation and monitoring of hydraulic structures. The next meeting of the Working Committee will be held in January 2013 in Murmansk.

The Russian energy system was represented by Sergey Red’kin, the director of marketing and sales of JSC «TGC-1», Oleg Tyapinov, the deputy chief engineer of the Kola branch of JSC «TGC-1″, Nikolai Vorobiev, the Director of the Pazskiy HPP Cascade of the Kola branch of JSC » TGC-1. »

The trilateral meetings of environmentalists and power engineers of Russia, Finland and Norway, sharing the water of Lake Inari and the river Paz flowing from the lake, have been held annually since 1959. On the river are seven hydro power plants, of which five are combined into a Pazskiy Hydro Power Cascade belonging to the Kola branch of JSC «TGC-1» and two are in the energy sector in Norway.

The control station of the water system is Kaitakoski HPP of TGK-1 — the first stage of the Pazskiy Cascate stations, which has a direct impact on the water level at the Inari and sets the mode for hydropower plants located downstream.

The years of experience of the Inari Regulatory Commission is an example of a stable and mutually beneficial cooperation between the different countries in the use of natural resources. For more than half a century the power engineers of Russia and Norway and the environmentalists of Finland have been effectively dealing with the problem of the joint use of water resources.

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