Damage from Fire at Rostovskaya NPP Not to Exceed One Million Rubles

The area of the fire comprised about 120 square meters. According to the preliminary estimate the financial damage is not going to exceed one million rubles.

The cause of the fire outbreak within the cylinder part of the containment was the sparks from the welding machine, which led to the smoldering combustion and subsequent inflammation of the plastic channels (tubes), which are laid for the subsequent concrete casting ,with the aim of creating holes in the concrete and through which the reinforcing wire rope cables are stretched.

At present the works on the generating unit construction are being carried on at the construction site. The burnt-out plastic channels are to be removed, new ones are to be built up at their place.
This incident could not influence the operation and safety of the existing units, the fire source was blocked by the surrounding concrete structures of the would-be generating unit.

At present the generating unit #1 is undergoing the scheduled and prevention maintenance (29th day), the generating unit #2 is operating in the nominal capacitance.

The radiation background at the power plant and the adjacent territory remains unchanged and is at the level, which corresponds to the normal operation of generating units, and does not exceed the natural background values.

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