Russia’s Largest Coal Mine Raspadskaya Suffers Million Dollar Losses

On Friday 21.09.2012 OAO Raspadskaya published the information about the results of its work in the first half-year period of 2012. According to the press-center of the company, in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards, in the period form January to June 2012 the largest manufacturer of crozzling coal in Russia ended up with the net loss of 19 million dollars. To compare – for the same period of the last – 2011 year – according to the data of IRFS the enterprise received 99 million dollars of net profit. In the current year the profit of the company has decreased by 24% and comprised 285 million dollars, and the EBITDA parameter reached 99 million dollars, which is a sign of it being reduced by 46% in comparison with the previous year.

It should be reminded that the reduction of the net profit forecasted by the analysts reached 25.9 dollars (or 3.8 times), the revenues expected by the analysts comprised 281.6 million dollarws and the forecasted result as per EBITDA amounted to 102.9 million dollars. It is obvious, that the real parameters of the net revenue and net profit exceeded the forecast, and the EBITDA result turned out to be lower by 4 million dollars.

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