Investigation Committee Starts Criminal Investigation Into Fire at Saratov Oil Refinery

A criminal case was opened on the grounds of an offense under Part 2 of Art. 143 of the Criminal Code (violation of safety rules) on the ignition in the visbreaking section of the process unit CDU-AVT-6 in OJSC «Saratov Oil Refinery», which caused the death of a person.
According to investigators, on October 4, 2012 at 14 hours and 30 minutes during the service, always carried out by the workers of «Saratov Oil Refinery» with the violations of safety rules and other rules of labor protection, on the site of the valve — position control TV 1002 of the processing unit CDU VDU 6 visbreaking due to drain valve not hermetically sealed the gas-air mixture spewed at the bare (without insulation) sectio, where the flanges pipeline connects with the motorized valve , leading to auto-ignition gas oil (explosive ignition of hydrocarbons, accompanied by cotton) and depressurization adjacent equipment section.

As a result of the ensuing fire, the employees of OJSC «Saratov Oil Refinery» who were present on-site received thermal body burns of various severity and were taken to the medical facility of the city of Saratov, where on October 5, one of the employees died from injuries.

Currently the investigations are being carried out to establish all the circumstances of the incident. During the investigation the employees of the OJSC “Saratov Oil Refinery» who have to do with the compliance with safety rules, will be interrogated, the appropriate technical expertise will be assigned, other investigations will be carried out, according to the results of which the legal assessment of the actions of the persons involved in the accident will be given.

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