Rusnano and Virgin Group Create Investment Fund for Developmet of Renewable Energy

The new foundation GF Emerging Market Growth I LP has been created with the aim of developing successful enterprises, which would carry out their activity in the field of renewable energy sources, and in the sphere of energy consumption optimization and efficient use of natural resources.

100% subsidiary of OAO Rusnano – Rusnano Capital AG, which supports the most promising innovation projects in the Russian Federation by attracting the global investors, the investment portal Virgin Green Fund and the international association Virgin Group started a foundation, the major objective of which will be promoting companies that develop in the sphere of renewable and alternative energy, as well as in the sphere of energy consumption optimization, the press-services of Rusnano and Virgin Group report.

The main task of GF Emerging Market Growth, I LP consists in direct capital investment into promoting perspective enterprises, which comply with the up-to-date requirements of the efficient use of natural resources and the maximal use of renewable energy sources in the sphere of electrical generation in Central and Eastern Europe, in Turkey and Russia.

The central offices of the foundation GF Emerging Market Growth I LP, which funding commitment comprises two hundred million American dollars, will be located in the capital cities of the Great Britain and the Russian Federation – in the cities of Moscow and London.

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