Residents of the Flooded Zone of the Boguchanskaya HPP Water Reservoir to Get New Houses by January 1 2013

Vladimir Pashkov, the first deputy chairman of the government of the Irkutstk region declares that all the activities aimed at moving the citizens from the flooded area will be completed this year.429 apartments have already been built: 50 of them are in Bratsk, 88 are in Ust’-Ilimsk and 291 are in other population centers of Irkutsk region. The matter is under the personal supervision of Sergei Eroschenko, the governor of Angara region, the interim results of the activities execution were summed up at the sitting of the presidium of the regional government on November 8.

Pashkov also said that practically everything is ready for relocating the residents of the areas adjacent to the water reservoir of Boguchanskaya HPP, which is to be flooded, to Bratsk: the legal procedures have been settled, the Municipality accepted transfer of ownership of the house, it is still to specify the numbers of apartments, each family would move into. Six blocks of the house, which was built in Ust0Ulimsk have also been accepted by the municipality.

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