Wireman Uniform Becomes Museum Specimen

Trousers and a jacket belonging to a wireman-driver of the Initinskiy distribution zone Alexey Turbin became one of the major museum specimen of the first Russian innovation center of DuPont concern.

The clothes, which saved the man from the impact of an electric arc, was named here the symbol of modern technologies and international cooperation.

It should be reminded that on April 6 2010 Alexey Turbin while doing the switching accidentally touched current relays of the two branches with the metal end of the stick. He was saved by a uniform set and heat resistant head helmet. The only piece of uniform, which the wireman did not put on, was heat resistant helmet liner. As a result the fire of the electric arc got under the protective visor and the man got the lower part of his face burnt.

The uniform of Alexey Trubin was made by the state company Energocontract from Nomex® fiber produced by DuPont concern.

The accident with Alexey Turbin in Komienergo is the second time when the uniform protected a wireman from electrical current. In August 2008 in the distribution zone of Kortkeross the master of the substation Bogorodsk Sergei Misharin got under the electric arc while measuring loading and voltage at the substation.

And the accident, when an arc-resistant uniform saved the life of an employee of another branch of IDGC of North-West – Pskovenergo has got a BBC coverage this year.

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