Tomsk To Get Kindergarten Heated By Underground Water In 2012

Next year the city of Tomsk and namely its residential district Zelenye Gorki will see the opening of the unique kindergarten which will be heated with the modern geothermic heat pump.

The heating of all the premises of the preschool institution will be provided due to the use of the low temperature heat from underground air and water which will be pumped into playrooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and other rooms of the buildings.

The equipment is to work autonomously, providing the kindergarten not only with heating but also hot water, with electricity consumption five too six times less than in the case when electricity is used directly for heating needs, and almost 1,5 times less than if the kindergarten was connected to the central heating system.

It is possible to get 4-7 KW of heat energy from each KW used for geothermic heat pump operation, which means that about 75-84% of energy will be obtained free.

According to the expert estimate this project will pay off already after 2 years of the pump operation. The operating life of the equipment is 30 years before the first overhaul repair.

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