Yugra Oilmen Threw 1,5 Billion Cubic Meters of Oil Gas Into the Wind

Oil companies of Yugra have illegally flared 1,5 cubic meters of oil-dissolved gas for the first half of 2011.

According to the press-service of the regional public prosecutor’s office 6 statements of claim based on these facts have been sent to court. The regulatory agency demands that oilmen should dispose of 95% of the produced gas and extinguished flare units.

As it was reported earlier, such statements of claim were sent in relation to JSC Oil joint-stock company AKI-OTYR and CJSC Nazymskaya Oil/gas exploratory expedition. These companies had flared more than 20 million cubic meters of gas.

And LLC Yuganskneftegaz (a part of JSC Rosneft) has become the subject of a criminal case about violation of rules of mineral resources conservation. According to the judicial scrutiny data in 2010 it flared 19 million cubic meters of oil dissolved gas.

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