ZAO Technopark Deprives Yasnogorsk of Heating

The public prosecution office in the Yasnogorsk district carried out an inspection of ZAO Technopark. In the course of this inspection it turned out that ZAO Technopark demounted a part of a single pipe heat supply main with the diameter of 250 mm and length of 23 meters.

As the director of ZAO Technopark explained demounting the heat line had taken place due to a mistake. In this way ZAO Technopark prevents the administration of the Moscow region in the Yasnogorsk district to use the heating main for delivering heat to residential houses, kindergartens, medical and social service institutions.

The public prosecutor appealed to the district court of Yasnogorsk with the claim to adjudicate the acts of ZAO Technopark illegal as well as to compel the organization to restore the heating line division by October 1 2011.

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