Astana Negotiates Crude Tolling with Beijing

Kazakhstan considers the possibility of carrying out tolling operations with the People’s Republic of China, the annual volume of which may comprise up to 1.5 million tons of crude oil, the Oil and Gas Minister of the republic Sauat Mynbaev says.

“Concerning the system solution as to reducing the level of our dependence on Russia we are negotiating tolling — even the one at Chinese oil refineries. In order to be able after delivering a certain volume of oil, the positions that we know in advance are in deficit, like high-octane gasoline for instance – import them to out market and have more price freedom”, — Mynbaev said on Monday during the panel discussion dedicated to the medium-term economic policy of the republic in the conditions of integration into the Common Economic Space.

Speaking to the journalists he specified that “we are negotiating the possibility of delivering 1-1.5 million tons of crude oil to the Chinese plant with the return delivery of high-octane gasoline”. “Then we will be able to influence the price flow to some extent”, — the head of the ministry explained.

There have been no schemes of this kind between Kazakhstan and China before, he added.

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