Rosatom and Rolls-Royce Sign Memorandum of Cooperation.

The Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation has been signed by the leader of the global industry the Rolls-Royce group and the State Atomic Energy Corporation of the Russian Federation Rosatom, the media-service of the State Corporation reports.

The signing of such a memo is a natural continuation of the agreements reached by the prime-minister of the Great Britain David Cameron and the president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev on September 12 2011 in the course of the British prime-minister’s visit to the capital of the Russian Federation. During the meeting the possibilities of the mutually beneficial cooperation of the two countries in various economic sectors have been discussed including the use of nuclear power in peaceful purposes.

Signing of this Memorandum by the global leaders of the nuclear power industry presupposes joint manufacturing and mutually beneficial exchange of components and equipment (including computer-aided manufacturing systems), service development of the exploited reactor park, control and promotion of the nuclear power in the third world countries. The industrial concern Rolls-Royce has considerable experience and know-hows in the sphere of nuclear power equipment manufacturing and operation, is the creator of the extensive infrastructure of stable deliveries of the licensed products for a whole range of nuclear cycle processes and its fuel supply, provides the nuclear power plant operators with consulting services. For 58 operating nuclear power plants in France and more than 50 nuclear power plants in the USA, Euro[e and other countries the Rolls-Royce group provides servicing the management control systems and nuclear power safety.


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