Russia Ready to Finance up to 100% of Belene Nuclear Power Plant Construction

The Russian offer on financing the project of the Bulgarian nuclear power plant Belene remains valid, the power plant itself can be built very fast, the head of Rosatom Sergei Kirienko declared at the Forum of Nuclear Industry Suppliers “ATOMEX-Europe”.

‘The nuclear power plant can be built really quickly because everything is in fact ready and it is important that we have bought the equipment at old prices. The plant is definitely to cost less than any new project. That’s why we are ready to invest our own funds, to the extent which the government of Bulgaria considers to be appropriate – 100%, 51%, 49%. That’s why I think that our proposal is unique. It cannot but be unique – to build in such a short time and on such tight budget’, — he said.

Kirienko pointed out that ‘Bulgaria wants us to cover all the expenses on the construction and have 51% of the power plant at the same time’.
‘So far we have worked out the provision that allows us to do so’, — he noted.

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