FAS: Unified Oil Products Trading Exchange System Can Start Operation Before End of This Year

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia has in view to launch a unified oil products trading exchange system based on the Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile exchange (SPIMEX), the deputy head of the governmental agency Anatoly Golomolzin told the journalists.

At present oil and oil products are traded at the three platforms: the Interregional oil and gas complex exchange, SPIMEX and the stock exchange St. Petersburg.
The FAS of Russia proposed the government to organize a unified oil products trading platform already in spring 2011.

As the head of the regulatory body Igor Artenyev told the journalists then, the server and the software are to be based at SPIMEX. In the opinion of FAS, all other trading platforms which will request to join the new system will have interface functions, accept bids, obtain commissions for that, i.e. – function as stock exchange markets.

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