Mayor of Yerevan Quits his Position to Become Deputy CEO of Gazprom

The mass-media report that the chief of Erevan administration Karen Karapetyan resigns because he received an offer to become the deputy of Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller.

The municipality of Yerevan does not comment on this information and suggests requesting commentaries on this issue on Monday.

As the Armenian mass-media ensure, Karapetyan’s letter of resignation is already waiting to be signed by the president of the country Serzh Gasrgsyan. And Mr Karapyetan is to leave for Moscow one of these days.
It is worth mentioning that before serving as Mayor of Yerevan Karapetyan ran the company ArmRosgazprom which was created on the basis of the agreement between the Russian Gazprom and the relevant ministry of Armenia. The shares of the enterprise were distributed in the following way: 80% belong to Gazprom and 20% — to the government of Armenia.

Many experts believe that the new mayor of Yerevan may be Taron Margaryan, which now occupies the position of the vice-mayor and is the son of the deceased prime-minister of Armenia Andranik Margaryan.

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