Activ Solar Completed Second Phase of Solar Power Plant Perovo in Crimea

The Austrian company Activ Solar completed the construction and commissioned the second phase of the solar power plant Perovo (Simferopol, the Crimea) with the capacity of 20 MW, raising its total capacity to 40 MW. The final total capacity of the project is has not been disclosed yet, however the company claims that the mega-project in the vicinity of the village of Perovo is to become the one of the largest ones in the world.

The press-service of the company says that the commissioned first and second phases will produce about 53 thousand MWh of electrical energy a year, which is enough to satisfy the electricity demand of about 11 thousand households. Such volume of production will enable cutting the carbon dioxide emission by 42 thousand tons a year.

The ground-based installation consists of more than 176 thousand mono- multicrystall photovoltaic modules and 60 central inverter stations.

So far the project has created over 500 jobs at the construction stage and full-time jobs.
The total capacity of the solar power plants Activ Solar in the Crimea already comprises 127.5 MW.
It is worth reminding that in October Activ Solar launched the solar park Okhotnikovo with the capacity of 80 MW – the largest solar installation in the Central and Eastern Europe. This plant has also entered the top five largest solar plants in the world.

Activ Solar is the international group with the headquarters in Vienna (Austria), it specializes in the development and manufacturing of solar technologies. The main directions of the company’s activity is the production of silicone products and the development of the large-scale photovoltaic solar parks. PJSC Semiconductor Plant, based in Zaporozhye, Ukraine, is a subsidiary of Activ Solar with polysilicon production history dating back to 1964.

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