Aggregate Capacity of DTEK Project Portfolio Comprises 1200 Mw

To enable the efficient development of wind power industry in Ukraine it is necessary to work out a precise mechanism of releasing the importers of wind turbines from VAT payment and guaranteeing that investors may obtain the “green” tariff before a wind power plant is constructed.

Such an opinion was expressed by Herman Ainbinder, the director of Wind Power (a subsidiary of DTEK, which develops projects in the sphere of wind energy), in his speech at the 4th International Renewable Energy Forum (REF).

“In Ukraine an investor into renewable energy must first commission wind power facilities and only after than they can claim getting the “green” tariff”. While in Europe companies have guaranties of obtaining the green tariff already on the stage of the start of construction, — he noted, — Besides, in Ukraine there is a possibility of releasing from the import VAT on “green” technologies, however our experience shows that this mechanism does not always work in practice”.

Speaking at the forum Herman Ainbinder shared his experience in the execution of the project of the Botievskaya wind power plant construction, the first wind turbines of which saw their grand opening on October 4.

“The wind power plant in Botievo is the first project by DTEK, which was executed by the company from the idea to its implementation. The construction of the power plant starting from the stage of decision making to the stage of generating the first “green” kilowatt-hours took about three years, — the director of Wind Power said”. – 26 wind turbines have already been installed in Botievo and now are glad to speak about the first “green” kilowatt-hours of our wind power plant”.

The director of Wind Power reminded that in Europe the first place in the number of the commissioned new power facilities is occupied by thermal gas energy, while wind power comes second.

“Renewable energy is an issue of cost efficiency, social importance and our contribution into the reduction of environmental impact. So far the aggregate capacity of DTEK project portfolio comprises 1200 Mw. I am sure that they will be brought to reality”, — Herman Ainbinder said in conclusion.

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