All Boiler Houses in Irkutsk Region Start Providing Heat Supply

All the 1077 heat sources (100%) have been put in operation in Irkutsk region, including 971 municipal ones. 26 877 houses out of 26 891 (99.9) were connected to the heat supply.

The last ones in the region to be connected to the heat supply were housing and social sphere objects in the village of Kulutuk in the Slyudyanskiy district. This was reported at the regional teleconference, where the issue of the region entering a new heating season was discussed, the Deputy Minister of Housing Policy, Energy and Transport of Irkutsk region Alexander Trifonov.

The readiness certificates have been issued for 88 of dwelling houses. This process is somewhat slow in the Ust-Kutskiy, Bodaybinskiy, Kataganskiy, Alarskiy, Nukutskiy and Irkutskiy districts. 12 houses in the Right Bank Territory of Irkutsk and two houses in Nizhneudinsk have not been connected to the heat supply because of the breaches in power grids and the unpreparedness of the heat distribution stations.

The heating season in the Priangarye was started on September 1 in Kataganskiy district. Before September 14 62 heat sources were launched in the northern districts of the region. Since September 15 the boiler houses are massively launched and the social sphere objects are being connected to the grid. At present heat is supplied to 1993 educational institutions (100%), 333 medical institution out of 336 (the two polyclinics of Tayshet districts and the polyclinic in Tulun are under capital repairs), 124 social protection institutions out of 12 (the center for social adaptation in the village of Maysk ii being repaired). Out of 1246 cultural institutions and archives 1244 have been connected to the heat supply (in the village of Mama the repairs of the heating system at the district House of Culture is being completed, in the Kirenskiy district the heat pipeline to the library is being repaired).271 sports facilities have also been connected to the heat supply.

There is still a big problem with the debt of enterprises for the fuel and energy resources, which have been consumed before. In the towns of Usolye-Sibisrskye, Ust-Ilimsk, Tulun, Tcheremhovo, in the Usolskiy, Ust-Ilimskiy, Nizhneudinskiy, Slyudyanskiy, Zalarinsky districts the amount of the debt has risen unreasonably in comparison to 2011.
In October the municipalities are to pay special attention to creating the sufficient fuel deposits in the territories, to controlling the work of the heat sources in the military towns.

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