All Major Olympic Power Facilities in Sochi to be Commissioned till End of Second Quarter 2013

Sochi saw the offsite meeting of the heads of OAO FGC UES and OAO IDGC Holding dedicated to the issues of construction, stable operation and dafety of power supply facilities of the Olympics in Sochi.

The meeting, which was chaired by the head of the managing board of OAO FGC UES Oleg Budargin, was attended by the Director for Special Commissions of OAO IDGC Holding Dmitriy Romeyko, the heads of OAO FGC UES, MES South, OAO Kubanenergo, the representatives of the contractor and design organizations.
The participants of the meeting paid much attention to the issue of raising the resistance of the overhead power transmission lines against the impact of thunderstorms and frozen slush. In particular, they discussed issue about developing a joint program of events aimed at prevention and minimization of the impact of these natural phenomena on the power grid complex of the region.

Besides, the discussed issues included the question of staff recruitment and equipping repair brigade, as well as the ways of raising the efficiency of response to all kinds of emergency situations. The participants of the meeting took the decision about the joint training and professional development for the staff of both companies and the regular scheduled joint tactic and headquarter exercises.

In the course of the meeting the execution of the program of Olympic objects construction and the development of Sochi as a mountain resort were discussed. It was pointed out that this summer OAO FGC UES is to put under the service voltage SS 110 KW Izumrudnaya, Vremennaya (Reserve), to complete extension of SS 220 KW Poselkovaya and till the end of the year to finish with the construction of the cable and overhead power transmission lines 110 KW in the Imeretinskaya lowland and in the vicinity of the Roza Khutor plateau. In its turn this year OAO IDGC Holding is to complete the upgrade and construction of 7 objects with the total capacity of 258 MVA and the total length of 67.3 km.

The chairman of the managing board of OAO FGC UES Oleg Budargin emphasized that all the major Olympic power facilities of both companies are to be commissioned till the end of the second quarter 2013 and are to comply with the International Environmental standards.

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