Altai Territory to Obtain Energy from Bio Waste

The prospects of bio energy development are stipulated by the availability of technical potential of the biomass energy – in the Altai Territory if is estimated at 0.3 million tons of reference fuel a year.

The agreement on the co-operation in the sphere of bio energy on the territory of the Altai region was signed on Friday, September 28. It was signed by the deputy governor of the Territory Vitaliy Ryapolov and the General Director of OOO Biofond-Altai Elena Kondratova.

The agreement on the interaction in the sphere of the development of bio energy on the territory of the Altai Territory between the administration of the region and OOO Biofond-Altai (Barnaul) is the follow-up of the work that is already in progress.

Before that an agreement with OOO Biofond-Altai had been signed, which was aimed at the execution of the project on the construction of energy facilities, which run on bio mass. In accordance with this document, which was valid till the beginning of October, the company has done a lot of work: the feasibility studies have been carried out, the land site in the Zinalniy district was chosen and leased on a long-term basis to build an energy facility, which would run on biomass.

Besides, OOO Biofond-Altai and ZAO Altai Broiler have signed an agreement on processing the poultry factory waste products in the quantity of 400 tons a day and their step-by-step recycling.

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