Andrey Ryumin: Reliability Remains a Key Criterion for the Efficiency of the Network Operation in the Context of the RES Development

The prospects for the development of the electric power industry were discussed at a thematic session, which was held within the scope of the Russian Energy Week forum. The discussion was attended by Nikolay Shulginov, Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Andrey Ryumin, Director General of PJSC Rosseti, Fedor Opadchiy, Head of System Operator, Russian and international experts, managers of large energy companies.

The session participants paid attention to the need to improve sectoral planning, including in connection with the development of solar and wind energy generation. In some regions of Russia (e. g., in the south) the share of renewable sources in the energy balance is significant, which affects the parameters of the network operation.

As Andrey Ryumin noted, the energy transition requires the solution of both promising and immediate tasks. «Reliability remains a key factor. In general, the power grid of Russia is now, of course, reliable by world standards. However, the picture is not uniform; there are regions with a very high level of equipment wear. This situation is due to the lack of sources for financing the upgrading programs. It is this dilemma that is key for the development of the energy sector in our country», emphasized the Director General of PJSC Rosseti.

Among the issues that need to be addressed were capital investments in excess capacity built at the request of consumers, a low level of payment discipline in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In addition, the deferred effect of investments in the development of «smart» metering, a high level of «subsidization» of preferential technological connection by the company (about 15 billion rubles in 2020 only in the category up to 15 kW) were noted.

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