Another Phase of Solar Park to Be ‘Connected’ to Sun in Crimea

The largest solar photovoltaic system in the Central and Eastern Europe is to be completed by the end of 2011.
The Activ Solar company has finished the construction of the third phase of the solar park Okhotnikovo. It spreads over the territory of about 40 ha and according to the press-service of the Austrian investor it consists of about 9 surface mounted crystalline modules. The capacity of this phase is 20 MW and therefore it is supposed to meet the electricity demand of 5 thousand households. Besides, its operation will help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 20 thousand tons.
All in all the projects of Okhotnikovo is expected to reach the capacity of 80 MW. It was initially divided into four phases and three of them are completely prepared for operation – they are waiting for the works completion and the solar park launch. The press-service of the company quotes the Director General of Activ Solar Kaveh Ertefai saying that the first three phases have been built ahead of schedule.
It should be noted that the solar park Okhotnikovo is to be connected to the national electrical networks and to sell electricity as per “green tariff”.

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