Assured Resources of Natural Gas in Republic of Kazakhstan Comprise About 3.3 Trillion Cubic Meters

And the expected reserves of natural gas considering the shelf of the Caspian Sea are estimated at about 8 trillion cubic meters.

A working meeting of the chairman of the managing board of OAO Gazprom Alexey Miller and the Minister of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sauat Mynbayev took place in Moscow.

The parties discussed a wide range of subjects concerning the issues of Russian-Kazakhstan partnerships in the oil and gas sphere. A particular attention was paid to the issues of natural gas deliveries to the consumers in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The major directions of the two-lateral cooperation between OAO Gazprom and Kazakhstan business entities are processing the raw material of the Karachaganskiy gas condensate deposit at the Orenburg Gas Processing Plant; the enterprises of OAO Gazprom rendering services on natural gas transit via the territory of Russia to the consumers of the CIS-countries; the delivery of Russian natural gas to the consumers of the Kostanayskaya region of Kazakhstan; the organization of Central Asian gas transit via the territory of Kazakhstan.

Limited partnership LAzRosGaz is a joint venture of OAO Gazprom and AO NC KazMunayGaz, created on a parity basis. The major direction of the activities of the joint venture is purchase, marketing, processing, transportation and sales of natural gas and gas products at the domestic and external markets.

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