Astrakhanenergo to Replace Over 900 Transmission Towers

The branch of the Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South — Astrakhanenergo continues its repairs campaign. In 2011 power engineers are to replace more than 900 transmission towers. Very recently a large batch of 650 concrete poles has been delivered to Astrakhan via railway.

The service reliability of the “aging” structures of transmission towers can be provided only by means of capital renewals. In the Astrakhan region the problem of transmission towers replacement is particularly topical due to high water table. Besides, the performance life of some of the transmission towers in the reliability area of Astrakhanenergo equals to 30-40 years. This is a limiting age for reliable operation of all types of transmission towers – wooden, concrete or steel ones.

At present the branch of the JSC Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the South — Astrakhanenergo has purchased about 650 concrete towers. Most of them are to be put up in Astrakhan instead of outdated wooden towers and those concrete ones which operational life has expired. The remaining 310 towers will be shared among 12 regional distribution zones of the JSC IDGC of the South — Astrakhanenergo.

This will give the opportunity to raise reliability and quality of power supply provided to the customers as well as will make the cityscape of towns and villages in the Astrakhan region more attractive.


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