Belarus and Russia Create Joint Venture to Sell Electricity

SPA (State production association) Belenergo and INTER RAO UES created a joint venture with the aim of selling electrical energy together, told the journalists the assistant of the Minister of Energy Industry of Belarus Lyudmila Zen’kovich.

Belorussian-Russian LLC Energoconnect is registered in Belarus on June 17. The joint venture is created with the aim of obtaining profit from carrying out and developing the export of electrical energy produced in Belorussian and Russian energy plants from the territory of Belarus by means of trans-border projects with third countries on installation DC-lines”. – said Zen’kovich.

She also pointed out that the joint venture was created in accordance with the treaty between the governments of Belarus and Russia on certain measures of providing parallel operation of the unified energy system of Belarus and the unified energy system of Russia.

Earlier the Belorussian prime-minister Mikhail Myasnikovich reported that Belarus is going to fully settle accounts with Russia for the obtained electricity by June 28.

Belarus is to pay to the Russian JSC INTER RAO UES 1.2 billion rubles – 600 million for April and the same amount – for May.

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