Belarus To Be Switched Off Electricity Due To Debt

Inter RAO UES is ready to stop the power delivery to Belarus starting from 0:00 June 29. The Russian company never got the expected next tranche from Belenergo to cover for the debt accumulated for the previous power deliveries.

The representative of the Russian company Anton Nazarov warned that the request for supply interruption to Belarus had already been filed. At the same time he noted that Inter RAO hopes to continue a constructive dialogue with the Belorussian partners and is looking forward to receiving the next installment to discharge the accumulated indebtedness.

According to the schedule, the Belorussian side was to repay a debt for March, April and May with three tranches by July 5. The money transfer will allow renewing power delivery to the territory of Belarus.

Inter RAO UES has previously limited the amount of power delivery to the Belorussian side starting from 0:00 on June 9. The reason was the same – a debt of 1.5 billion rubles accumulated since February 2011.

The power delivery was reduced from 400-500 MW to 200 MW. The export was resumed to the full extent starting from June 13.

However the second tranche was not transferred by the Belorussian side in accordance with the confirmed schedule on June 20. Inter RAO was going to reduce power delivery to Belarus from June 22, but after the negotiation the Russian company granted the Belorussian side a week’s delay in payment. Belenergo did not use the given opportunity, ITAR TASS explains. At the same time it is emphasized that Belarus has the means of payment for the delivered electricity. On June 21 Alexey Kudrin said that Belarus was given a debt facility of 800 million dollars. The credit terms were approved by the anti-crisis foundation EurAsEC on June 4.

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