Biodiesel Deliveries to Ukraine in 2011 to Comprise About 500 Thousand Tons

In 2011 the deliveries of biodiesel fuel to Ukraine will make up about 470-500 thousand tons, the market participants forecast.

Thus, summing up the results of the 10 months of 2011 317 thousand tons of biodiesel was delivered in Ukraine and in November and December, as traders forecast about 150 thousand tons more of this fuel will be delivered, and the main volume (about 100 thousand tons) is to be delivered in December.

The market players connect the growth in the volume of biodiesel delivery at the end of the year with the expectations for the considerable rise in the excise duty rate for biodiesel beginning from 2012.

As it was reported earlier, the kind of biodiesel delivered to Ukraine is produced by the Belorussian company Triple-Energo from low-sulphur diesel fuel resources (50 ppm and 10 ppm) of LUKOIL company with the bioadditives. According to the Belorussian legislation, the manufactured mixture is not subject to the excise duty which is $268.3 per ton since December 1.

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