Biogas Industry “Migrates” from Eastern Europe to Russia

Biogas station

Ukraine and Latvia are curtailing the projects in the field of biogas industry development, which have received no promised governmental support, while the government of Russia has commenced the construction of 30 large biogas stations.

According to the Latvian agency «Latvijas Reitingi», in 2011 the production of electricity from the renewable energy sources, mostly from biogas has shrunk from 42% to 15%. Moreover, the government of Latvia has reduced the support for biogas projects, despite the ambitious plant of transition to electricity. Produced from biogas till July 1 2013.

Meanwhile the Russian biogas company reports that with the support of the State Duma of the Russian Federation this year a new project on construction of 30 biogas complexes in the country has been started.
“Last year we signed agreements with the regions, which now start to be implemented. At present the documentation for 30 bio gas power plants is being issued,” – the representatives of the biogas company have reported.

Thus, in the current year within this project a construction of the largest in Russia biogas station in the village of Remodanovskoye (Mordovia) has begun. The biogas station is to process the waste products of the stock breeding complex and to operate with the capacity of 4.4 MW.

The biogas tariff in Ukraine is being adopted and then cancelled right after its term starts during the last three years. In 2012 the “green tariff” was adopted yet one more time for the production of electrican energy from biogas with the subsequent reduction of the state support for the most perspective field of renewable energy. According to the current legislation, the tariff is supposed to be introduced starting from January 1 2013.

The Netional Agency on Efficient Resource Usage is planning to replace some managing staff. The head of NAERU Nikolay Pashkevich is to be fired from his position for actively opposing the implementation of the “green tariff” and for his being financially very loyal towards some private companies, close to the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andrei Kluev. Most part of the funds, which were allocated for the NAERU from the state budget were invested into the support of solar energy facilities, which are built by the Austrian company Activ Solar.

Despite the ambiguity of the state policy, the Ukrainian company Zorg Biogas Ukraine, the international leader in the biogas industry, reports the development of a new technology of biogas production, which significantly increases the production efficacy of biogas technologies. Due to this innovation the loading device of biogas station exercises the function of the hydrolytic aerobic tank.

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