Bryanskenergo Obtains Modern Training Classroom

The priority direction of the HR policy in the OAO IDGC of Center is the continuous staff training. There is an action plan aimed at overall personnel development. Thus, this year Bryanskenergo obtained a modern training classroom, where electricians can improve their skills.

The classroom is fitted out with modern equipment, which enables demonstrating educational videos and presentations. This equipment is to be improved in the nearest perspective – there is a plan to create a scale model of a power transmission line using the self-supporting insulated conductor. This will be a small-scale replica of power transmission line system, which ensures the electricity supply for the households and socially significant facilities of the Bryansk region. The classes with the employees of the energy industry are also held in the training workshop where the workers can study various types of electrical equipment including high-voltage one, and the way it operates.

During the nine months of 2011 385 member of staff received training in the training classroom: 225 people received basic and advanced training on industrial safety and obtained second working specialties, 75 employees improved their qualifications, 38 employees took part in educational workshops. At present 16 employees of Bryanskenergo are getting occupational retraining in the Smolensk branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute and one employee – in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service.

According to the head of the Human Resources Department of the OAO IDGC of Center – Bryanskenergo Natalya Galanova, the issues of personnel development in the Bryanskenergo is of utter importance since the requirements to the professional level of power engineers are steadily growing. The continuous training process for the employees of the branch influences their professional activities in most positive way and contributes to the development of the power supply network of the Bryansk region.

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